Friday, 25 April 2008

Biohazard Zero/Resident Evil Zero is coming to the wii.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

You can win a FREE copy of Mario Kart Wii from the Youtubers WiiNewsnReviews

Official Rules on how to win a FREE copy of Mario Kart Wii.

1.They must have 100 subsribers by April 26th 2008 by 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time.
2.You must post a video response to this video telling us why you should win the free copy of Mario Kart Wii.
3.You MUST be a subscriber to win. (click here to go to their youtube channel and Subcribe)

All entries must be recieved no later than April 26th at 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time.

*The winner will be contacted via youtube e-mail for further instructions.
**Your video should not exceed 3 minutes in length.
***The Winner will be officially announced on our April 27th show.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Mario Kart Wii Widget

Friday, 4 April 2008

Mario Kart Wii release date for the UK is April 11th.