Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Homebrew apps you can download for the twilight hack

Front SD ELF Loader - Loads .elf files from front SD slot.

- .dol/.elf loader using the usbgecko adapter.

Genesis Plus - Genesis / Megadrive Emulator (requires SD-gecko or similar, or inject the rom into the elf.)

AtaWii - Atari ST Emulator

Ballion - Destroy blocks with a ball

Tetris -Tetris

Snake - Snake, Like on your nokia.

Chess -A simple port of TSCP

MP3 Player - MP3 Player (requires SD-gecko or similar)

WPCP -Wii Pi Calculation Project

EasyIOS - This app is for browsing the device tree, and trying out quick IOS commands w/out doing builds.

wiifuse_server - Server for wiifuse to remotely mount the wii's nand filesystem

PoC-Linux -Wii Proof of Concept mini-distro

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